Check in/out times are 12:00 noon from March 14th to November 7th. From November 8th to March 13th check in/out times are 10:00am/12:00noon unless prior arrangements have been made.
Guest will first report to and remain at lodge until all balances are paid and all paperwork / releases are filled out and signed.
- No children under the age of 13 may be left unattended at any time.
- Absolutely no smoking allowed inside lodge. Smoking is only permitted outside and butts must be disposed of properly.
- No food or drinks in bedrooms.
- Consumption of alcoholic beverages allowed at lodge area only. No exceptions!
- No pets are allowed.
- If you carry a firearm, the firearm must remain in your vehicle during your stay on the ranch.
- The Jagge07 Ranch is a Managed Lands Deer Permit(MLDP) Ranch. All deer must be weighed, aged, and in the case of bucks some basic horn measurements must be made by ranch management. They also must be properly tagged with permits issued to the ranch by Texas Parks and Wildlife. Failure to do the above mentioned will result in the ranch calling a Texas Game Warden.
- Whitetail bucks must be 6 1/2 years of age or older. A 2000.00 replacement fee will be assessed if a buck is taken younger than 5 1/2 years old. Age will be determined by tooth replacement and wear method from Texas Parks and Wildlife. All decisions are final. We are aware that deer aging can sometimes be an imperfect science therefore we keep that in mind before enforcing replacement fees. Inferior or cull deer may be given leniency. This rule is in place for our future guests ensuring a healthy heard of mature bucks each season.
- Legal Axis bucks must be hard horned and have one main beam of 27 inches in length or longer following the main beam. If fails to meet minimum requirements, a $2000 replacement fee will be applied.
- Legal Rams must be full curl or longer. If fails to meet minimum requirements, a $1200.00 replacement fee will be applied.
- Axis deer and rams must be taken during daylight hours only just like whitetail and turkey.
- Turkeys are to be harvested during spring season only, Tom/gobblers only.
- Stalking is only allowed when all persons hunting in the pasture are from the same group and are all in agreement.
- No pooling of bag limits between hunters.
- No deer drives.
- No hunting from vehicles.
- No driving on the ranch at night except to and from blinds or to retrieve downed game.
- No hunting within 100 yards of the lodge.
- No hunting allowed within 100 yards of any protein/alfalfa stations.
- Do not adjust/alter corn feeder timers in any way.
- If a hunters draws blood this is considered a kill and it will count toward your game limit. Failure to report wounded game will result in your removal from the ranch without any refunds.
- Immediately report all dead or wounded animals to ranch staff. If staff is not present, hunter must make attempt to call staff member immediately after that hunt.
- Every effort must be made to find wounded animals. Tracking dogs may be called to the ranch to assist with tracking with permission from ranch owner FIRST! Absolutely no dogs allowed in lodge.
Hunters must take ethical broadside or quartering away shots within effective ranges.
- No mechanical broad heads will be allowed if shooting traditional or long bows.
- All hunters will be required to show ranch management that they are proficient with a bow by shooting at 20 yards before anyone goes hunting
- No mechanical broad heads will be allowed for compound bows with a draw weight of 40lbs or less.
- Hunter initials are required on arrows carried into the field.
- No crossbows allowed except on hogs.
- Absolutely NO trimming of oak trees. No trimming of any brush at our sets period. If you need to brush in a blind use cedar, mountain laurel, persimmon. Not oak!
- Do not cross a high fence. If the perimeter high fence is crossed then hunter may be subject to trespassing charges.
- Do not cross into other hunters’ pastures, doing so may disturb other hunters making you responsible for reimbursing another hunters hunting fee.
- If you violate any ranch rule or Texas State laws game wardens will be notified and you will be removed from the ranch immediately.
- No littering. Leave ranch cleaner than you found it at your hunt area and at the lodge. Please place all trash in garbage cans.
- Conserve electricity by turning all lights/fans off when leaving the lodge.
- Do not clean game or any parts of game in lodge. Use the cleaning facility at "Bubbaland".
- Do not feed along "hog heaven" fence and do not climb fence to enter or exit. Use gates provided.
- Please keep all gates opened or closed as found. All high fenced gates are to remain closed at all times.
- The removal of shed antlers, skulls or artifacts from ranch is not allowed and will be considered stealing without prior permission. No exceptions!
- Be cautious of snakes.
- Hunters must carry proper hunting license and permits on their person at all times.
- Personal vehicles are recommended for ranch transportation. ATV’s/UTV’S should be used during wet / muddy road conditions.
- Driving on be done on established/existing roads only. No new roads will be made. No driving allowed in food plots.
- No driving around the ranch at night other than to hunt hogs at night without owners permission.
- This is a working cattle ranch as well as a hunting ranch. The equipment, vehicles, tools and other items in the barn and in old camphouse at "Bubbaland" are not part of the hunt package. If you are caught in either place without prior permission you will be considered trespassing!
- All entrails and carcasses must be disposed of in designated areas (Bubbaland). All meat must be removed from the ranch when the hunter leaves unless prior arrangements are made. Absolutely no meat is to be wasted.
- Failure to follow any and all state and ranch rules will result in you being removed from the ranch without a refund.
- All rules are subject to change by management.